

Course description: ” This course is an introduction to oceanographic processes. Most of the emphasis will fall on an
understanding of the topographic features, chemical and physical principles, and their relation to
important biological processes in the oceans. Organisms will only be discussed with regard to
ecological roles, principles of food webs, relative time scales, and material cycling. We will examine
the role of the oceans in global phenomena such as weather and climate and the importance of the
oceans to human societies.
This course is required for Marine Affairs and Marine Entrepreneurship majors and also serves as a lab
science course for non-majors. It provides students with a fundamental overview of the four major
branches of ocean science: geology, chemistry, physics, and biology. These areas will be addressed in
terms of the broad concepts of science and will be accessible to students with little formal training in
the sciences. The laboratory will provide hands-on exercises to reinforce concepts learned in class.
Much of the work will be done in groups to stress shared learning and model the way science is often
carried out.”

This course granted me with an excessive wealth of knowledge about understand the four major branches of oceanography and in what way their interconnection is important to marine ecosystems, and ocean health.
